Monday, August 8, 2011

How long does it take for CPS to "take you to court"?

I got into a scuffle with my 13 year old son who is my size. He tried to run from me, I grabbed him by the hair, pulled him to the ground and pinned him until he stopped struggling. The entire thing from start to finish was less than a minute, but he did end up with a bloody nose (I'm not even sure exactly how, but he does get nose bleeds fairly often). He was angry and called 911 on me. I was arrested for ault and spent the night in jail which was bad enough, but then 8 days later I was contacted by CPS. The case worker was in no hurry to get to us and seemed unconcerned. She called several times to set up appointments, then called back and canceled them, finally showing up unannounced. I allowed her access to my home and let her interview both of my children, trying to be cooperative. She told my son that she needed to speak with her supervisor, and then would speak with me. She came out and said "normally in this situation we would give you a safety plan that says no physical discipline and refer you for services, but in this case my supervisor wants to place the children out". Basically they wanted me to sign a safety plan that said both of my children would be placed with a friend or relative of my choosing indefinitely, even though there have never been any allegations of abuse to my other son. We discussed it for about an hour with her making several calls to her supervisor. She told me that her supervisor would "take me to court" if I did not sign, but also advised me not to sign in front of 2 witnesses. I told her that I desperately wanted to cooperate and would agree to all conditions and monitoring, excluding giving up my children. She advised me that I had made a wise decision and left. It has been several days with no word at all and I am beginning to feel concerned that the supervisor might have a court hearing without notifying me or giving me a chance to speak with the judge. If they truly felt the kids were in danger wouldn't we go to court right away?

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